Friday, November 25, 2011

Compassionate Conservative

Mitt's face reveals his compassion when meeting with leaders with less fortunate hair. Not everyone can walk the tightrope he does: he knows he is blessed with superior hair, he knows it has propelled him this far and can possibly even propel him to the presidency, but - to his credit -he doesn't want to rub it in.

To whom much is given, much is expected.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Man Behind the Curtain: Part 2

Are there other Republican hair styles out there that are vying to be center stage? Of course there are. Can they hold a candle to Mitt Romney's hair? No.

But that doesn't mean that Mitt's hair doesn't appreciate some back-up. Fortunately, the wind beneath Mitt's hair's wings has publicly gone after Sarah Palin's hair.

“It gives me the impression that she just washed her hair, pays attention to the front and throws up the back in a bun,” said Belmont stylist Leon De Magistris.
“She’s disheveled. It’s way too long he added. “She needs a cut.” [Emphasis added]

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Man Behind the Curtain: Part 1

Who is the wind beneath your wings?

Mitt's hair's wind is a man named Leon de Magistris. It is with great emotion that I report that his hair cutting and styling talents appear to have come at the cost of his own hair.

And if you were to tell me you weren't looking for a 16 minute video interview with him, I'd have to call you a liar.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The First Day of the Rest of Our Lives.

Today is the beginning, again.

Mitt Romney's hair has announced the formation of a presidential exploratory committee.

Has it always been this good?


What do you see?

When I look at Mitt Romney's hair, I see:

- a secure America

- a government out of my family, my business, my family business, and my family's family business

- a simpler time

What do you see?